
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

World Prematurity Day 2015

I have so many things to say about this topic...

Trust your momma instinct no matter how trivial it seems. Know the warning signs of preterm labor. But know you may never have any either. My girl was born just over two hours after I woke in the middle of the night. I dilated to complete without ever feeling a contraction...

Keep those babies in as long as possible!! While I don't know the uncomfortableness of the third trimester, I do know I would have been uncomfortable for 1000+ days if it meant my only child had to fight for her life one less day. If it meant my baby spent even just one less day in the hospital.  Not just weeks, but days can make a difference in a baby's development in the womb.

Prematurity doesn't end at discharge. I call my girl a fighter not just because she survived against the odds, not just because she made it through four months of constant heel sticks and exams, but because she still fights. She's been in physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and has had countless specialist appointments. Prematurity doesn't end at discharge, it's a constant fight to "catch up." And that's all with her better than expected, miraculous outcome. So many other preemies fare much worse, or don't get the chance to fight.

Prematurity can be isolating. That's not just because our girl was born less than three weeks after we moved, but because you spend all your time at the hospital. You know those scenes in movies where the character stands still and everything races around them? People, seasons, life? That's what our four months (and beyond) felt like. It happens in other ways too. Almost every time I'm asked how old my daughter is, I'm met with a look of disbelief (as if I'm mistaken on my own child's age). It hurts and it's painful to have to asterisk my daughters age every time. She earned those four months!!

Prematurity sours what should be happy memories. My daughters birth was terrifying. The first time I touched her, I did it wrong. The first time I left the hospital after birth my hands were full of NICU reading material instead of my baby. The first time I held her was because "I needed to."

But preemies are miracles. God is alive and well and still performs miracles everyday! Prematurity means you celebrate everything with that much more gusto.

Her first tiny, cry when the breathing tube was removed at over a month old.
Her first breaths without oxygen support.
The first time she was "big" enough to wear clothes at two months old.
Her first bottle not finished through a feeding tube.
Her first day unhooked from wires.
Her first day HOME.
Her first steps after months of worry and therapy.
All the times she falls down, because it means she wasn't only walking, she was running!
Her daredevil spirit that sends her scaling everything in the house because nothing frightens her.
Celebrating not having to visit any doctors for a whole month!
Measuring on the growth chart!

Miracles happen. I ask you to say a prayer for all the babies still fighting and for their families, watching their fight but feeling helpless. Lift them in prayer, it works. I've seen it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Veggie Pita Pizzas

I've been sitting on this post for quite awhile but with getting ready to move and all, life has gotten in the way. But, no more excuses!

I saw several recipes for baked pitas and took what I liked from each of them and came up with this menu staple. This is a super easy and quick weeknight dinner item. It's also great when you have leftover fresh veggies you need to use up before they go bad!

Veggie Pita Pizzas

4 pitas, I like to use whole wheat
1 large chicken breast, diced
barbecue sauce
1-2 large carrots or several baby carrots, cut into strips
1/2 large green pepper, cut into strips
1/2 large red pepper, cut into strips
1/2 onion, cut into thin strips
shredded cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 400°

Cut your chicken and place in a skillet with a little bit of oil, not too much though. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. You could also add some other seasonings, I sometimes do, but there isn't too much of a need. Drizzle a little of your favorite barbecue sauce over the chicken so it is lightly coated. Cook thoroughly.

While the chicken is cooking, arrange your four pita breads on a large cookie sheet. Divide your vegetables evenly between the four breads.

Divide the chicken evenly between the pita breads. Drizzle more barbecue sauce over the chicken and veggie piles. I like to do it in a striped pattern to make sure it's covered.

Top each pita with a good amount of cheese. I use cheddar, but a Monterey Jack works well too.

Place in oven and back for about 15 minutes, or until cheese is melty and bread is slightly crunchy.

These can be really messy to eat, so I suggest cutting in half or quarters with a pizza cutter.
Feel free to mix up based on the veggies you have on hand (I think tomatoes would be really yummy!) - these are just my typical ones!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Chicken Salad

I had some of the best chicken salad I've tasted a few months ago at a cute little bistro while we were out of town for a wedding. Since then, I've been trying to recreate it. It's not the exact same, but I'm satisfied with how close I came with this recipe!

chicken salad with apples

Chicken Salad

1 chicken breast, boiled and shredded (mine yielded a loose 2 cups)
2 green onions, diced
1/2 C diced celery
1 Granny Smith Apple (about a cup)
1/3 C fat free mayonnaise
2 T light sour cream
1 t lemon juice
1/4 t celery salt
1/4 t black pepper

Combine the first four in a bowl. I waited until I was ready to combine with the sauce before I cut and added the apple so it wouldn't turn brown. I also used an apple slicer that cut my apple into 8 slices - I had one slice leftover which made a nice snack for the cook ;-)

Combine the remaining ingredients in a small bowl and stir well until blended. Pour over the dry ingredients. I used a spatula to make sure I wiped the bowl clean and got all of the sauce.

Serve on fresh wheat bread for great summertime sandwiches!