
Monday, November 5, 2012

Combining Recipes: Apple Pie

I grew up calling my next door neighbor "Grandma." Grandma makes the best apple pie, complete with crumbly topping and yummy goodness. But, I forgot to get her recipe before we moved, so I had to do some improvising.

I often don't like pie because of the crust. I do not like packaged crust, which means I had to find a recipe for homemade, preferably one that did not take that much time to make and had basic ingredients. I found this recipe on, and I think it's pretty tasty. It's pretty simple to make as well.

So that's one recipe I use. But I use three recipes in my apple pie!

I use the apple pie filling recipe in my "Betty Crocker Cookbook: Everything You Need to Know" I got from my mom when I moved into my first apartment.

Apple Pie Filling

1/2 C sugar
1/4 flour
3/4 t cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg
dash of salt
apples (I use a variety, but I love using Honeycrisp when available. I use about 4 large apples)
(it might call for lemon juice, but I leave that out)

Peel and slice your apples and place in large mixing bowl. Add remaining ingredients over top of the apples and mix well so all apples are coated. Place into pie crust-lined pie plate.

You remember how I mentioned Grandma's crumble top? Well, I had to duplicate it, but I couldn't find a recipe exactly like I wanted, so I improvised and changed a crumble tart recipe I found. I've listed it below:

Crumble Topping for Apple Pie

3/4 C flour
1/2 C sugar
5 T melted butter

Stir all three ingredients together until crumbly. It will remain a little mushy, but just break it into small pieces as you sprinkle it over the top of your pie filling.

The problem using different recipes, is determining the cooking time. I bake mine at a lower temperature, but longer than the crust recipe calls for. The crust is the most important to get cooked, so I check it often. I bake my pie at 375° for about 30 minutes. Be sure to cover your crust with foil though, as it can burn easily since it is in the oven longer than recommended.

This is one of my fall favorites. My husband even requested it last year instead of birthday cake!

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