
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Heavenly Deviled Eggs

It's been awhile since I've been at my parent's house for Thanksgiving. While in college I was usually stuck doing homework, or my mom had everything prepared by the time I made it home. So, I really haven't had a chance to help prepare the meal since I've been old enough to really be of any assistance.

Being back for a week, and spending most of the time driving back and forth to the hospital 30 minutes away, mom actually consented to letting me assist her in the kitchen (she usually gets up before dawn the few days before and takes on everything herself). I was delighted.

I was put in charge of making the deviled eggs. I've never made deviled eggs before. I've never watched her make them (remember, up before crack of dawn so they were always done). So, I needed instruction.

I don't like any deviled eggs besides my mom's. They usually taste way too mustardy for my liking. But, as most of her recipes go, we don't have any actual measurements to go by, just taste. But I like cooking this way; it makes me feel imaginative and capable.

Sorry no pictures for this one; I was set to work before I had time to think to grab a few shots!

Mom's Deviled eggs

dozen hardboiled eggs with yokes removed
two or so dollops of mayonaise (REAL)
squirt or two of mustard, probably about 2 teaspoons
3 or so Tablespoons of sweet relish
pinch or two of sugar
dash of paprika plus more for top

Mash the yokes in a small bowl using a fork until almost smooth. Add in your mayo, mustard, relish and sugar. Mix well. Sprinkle in a little paprika. Taste and add to more of ingredients to your liking. Fill each egg with the mixture. Sprinkle all the tops with paprika so they have a nice speckled dusting.

My youngest nephew is a big fan of grandma's deviled eggs. He ate quite a few before my mom told him that I made them. My compliment from him, "I couldn't even tell."

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