
Friday, January 25, 2013

Thrifty decor re-do

I've been in a super cleaning de-cluttering type of mood lately; probably in preparation for our big move late this summer. My goal is to get rid of everything unnecessary to bring with us, and make sure everything is travel safe.

Seashells. I have a lot of them. Some I remember why I kept them, like my first seashell or one my husband found for me on our first trip to the beach together. Others, I don't have a clue, but they are pretty :). I previously had these all in our bathroom sitting in an old glass bowl from my grandmother. I also discovered while cleaning a bunch more seashells in a box.

I also have a bunch of mason jars in a drawer from homemade jelly from my mother-in-law. I thought to myself, putting shells in jars might be cute, and it sure would be easier to travel with than in an open bowl!

So I set to work meticuously arranging the shells to make sure certain ones were visible and that it formed a pretty scene around the glass. It took awhile, but it gave a new clean look to the bathroom counterspace.

I don't have a before and after shot, since I wasn't exactly sure how this would work, but I'm pleased with the result! Now I need another glass container to hold the larger shells. Hopefully I can find something with a lid....

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