
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mom's Homemade Chili

Chili was one of my favorite meals growing up. I generally either asked for chili or lasagna for my birthday dinner as a kid. I even had my mom write this recipe up for my kindergarten recipe book which I found recently.

This recipe is pretty loose since that's how my mom cooks and how I've come to learn to cook as well. It's easier and quicker I think to just throw in what looks good and improvise based on what you have. It also means you have a chance to make every time you make the same recipe taste different!

So, for my mom:

Mom's Homemade Chili

2 cans kidney beans; drained
2 cans diced tomatoes (I use one spicy with green chilis and one regular)
2 small cans of Campbell's pork and beans (I'll explain this)
1 small can tomato paste
1 clove of garlic
1 1/2 lb. ground beef
1 small onion
All to taste:
chili powder (I'd say about 1/2 t)
salt (about 1/4 t)
pepper (about 1/4 t)
tabasco (I do about 8 small shakes and my husband always adds more to his)
oregano (about 1/2 t)
2 shakes of Worcestershire sauce

Brown the beef in a skillet. Combine in a pot the remaining ingredients. For the pork and beans, rinse well. My mom always used these beans because they contain pea beans (I think) and the Campbell's are usually pretty cheap. Add in your ground beef. Simmer for a few hours to mix in flavors.

Serve with shredded cheddar cheese and preferably oyster crackers.

My mom always made this on the stove and let it simmer for most of the day, mixing in the flavors. I don't have a large enough pot to hold this all, so I generally place it in my slow cooker and it does the same thing.
It was also always really mild when my mom made it since my dad and brother have light stomachs, so I've definitely upped the spicy factor a bit for us.

Chili is perfect for that cool winter day to warm everyone up. It's just such a homey meal, and everyone makes theirs differently. Enjoy making your own changes to the recipe above!

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