
Friday, February 1, 2013

Living in the Moment

It's already February. I knew before this year even started it was going to go fast, but I never expected it to go this fast. I feel like every day consists of planning or looking ahead.

A few weeks ago a friend shared some advice she received from someone. We are both getting ready for big moves this summer. The advice was simple:

Don't forget to enjoy the right now.

So simple, but so hard. It seems too easy to pull away from people and events with the thought of "I'll just be gone in a few months anyway." But that's not a way to live because then I'm afraid I'll end up with regrets.

So instead, I've got to make it a daily goal to enjoy my right now. Reflect on the last three years of living here. Sure there is a ton of planning to do with this big move, but I know it will all come together if I put my trust in Him and His perfect plan.

The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;
Psalm 37:23

So enjoy today because it will be gone all too soon. :-)

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