
Friday, March 15, 2013

DIY: Custom Magnets

I probably am a pack rat, but just am afraid to admit it. I worry there will be a use for something that I throw away. I blame my Dad for this - you should see all the odds and ends in his garage! But it is completely organized and everything has its place :)

So when I used up my magnetic notepad, I couldn't throw away the strong magnets that were on the back. They sat on the fridge for awhile before I decided to pretty them up a little bit. You can do this project too, all you will need is:

DIY Magnets

* magnet from magnetic paper pad
* scrapbook paper
* scissors
* glue and/or double-stick tape
* your choice of decorative elements

This is from another notepad since I had already thrown my old one away, but I'm sure this magnet will end up in a similar project when the time comes!
1. I trimmed off the excess cardboard stuck to the magnet to make a clean edge. Just turn the magnet around so you can see the extra tops sticking out.

2. I measured the magnet and cut a piece of my chosen paper to the same size. You can make it a little larger if you like and trim the excess after, like with the cardboard fragments.

3. I then attached the decorative paper with a glue stick and added double-stick tape to make sure the edges stuck. This is when the cardboard fragments come in handy to have a rough surface to attach the paper.

4. You can now decorate the front however you would like. I received some hand-me-down letter whole punches a few months back and I've been using these to label everything lately. I think it'd be just as cute to put a fun sticker or cut out on the front. The possibilities really are endless, or dependent on what you have on hand because this project is about spending $0!

This is pre-glued; I did my best to make the letters straight in the end :)

5. Enjoy your custom magnets on your fridge!

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