
Friday, March 22, 2013

Snack Time: Popcorn my way

We love popcorn around here at our house. Both of us grew up with this as a constant snack in the home and we can down a bag in nothing flat! I know it's not the healthiest, but I love the taste and the convenience of microwave popcorn. I've had other types, but honestly we don't have room for another appliance for popcorn. I remember as a kid making popcorn with my grandpa on one of these:

But anyway, we don't just make popcorn, we like to add a little something extra. Our favorite is M&Ms - peanut for my husband and plain for me (but we both will eat both types). This gives for the perfect sweet and salty I'm always craving.

What do you like to add to your popcorn, or do you prefer it plain?

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